Releases: s-andrews/SeqMonk
Fixed a bug in the launch script which meant that memory
settings weren't detected correctly unless java was
installed on the system. -
Made all preferences for the read count quantitation be
remembered between runs. -
Removed spurious additional label in the BAM file import
options dialog. -
Don't add projects which fail to load to the recently used
file list. -
Update install instructions for M1 mac users.
A mix of bugfixes and some internal restructuring
Fixed the crash reporter which couldn't cope with https URLs
Changed the cache folder code to reduce the number of files
created in a single directory. -
Added an option to the BAM file import to bring in data
which has barcodes or sample names embedded in the read IDs -
Show the strand in the feature search results.
Vastly improve the speed of switching chromosomes or resizing
the chromosome view when lots of tracks are being displayed.
Fix cache crash in seqmonk_import
Add java executable detection to seqmonk_import
Increase min R version to 4.0.3 because of bioconductor changes
Fix OSX launcher to work on older version of OSX
Allow 1-to-many comparisons in the DESeq filter
Fix stored filter preferences crash
Fix edge case mistake in feature filter overlaps
Automatically detect new OSX R Framework location
Update name cache when renaming features
This version contains some minor fixes.
Changes include:
Increased the minimum R version to 4.x.x. since R3.6 no longer
works for installing BioConductor packages. -
Hopefully finally stop OSX from trying to compile R packages
from source when it doesn't need to. -
Improve the efficiency of displaying annotation counts
Make genomes with annotation versions >99 sort correctly
Increase the number of allowed nodes in the probe list overlap
plot to 500 -
Add more options to the logistic regression filter
This version introduces some major changes for users of Mac OSX
and improves a lot of existing functionality.
There are two major changes of note:
The way the OSX package is built has been changed so that we can
deal with the new security model in OSX v10.15 (Catalina). People
working on that version will have found that they were unable to
load or save data to anywhere other than their home directory.
This new version now tests for limited disk access on OSX and if
it finds it it will point to instructions for how SeqMonk can be
given more generous permissions to read data from places like USB
drives, network shares and the Desktop. -
We've made a relatively minor change to the way that RNA-Seq
quantitation works. When we merge transcript isoforms we used to
prefer matching transcripts based on them having compatible names
(eg ABC-201 would merge with ABC-202), and based on them actually
overlapping in the genome. We found though that some gene models
from Ensembl broke these assumptions (ie there are cases with
two different genes with identical names which overlap, and cases
of genes with multiple transcripts which don't overlap). These
cases are all nuts but they exist so we need to deal with them. We've
now changed to prefer using the "gene_id" annotation on transcripts
to decide which ones to merge, which deals better with these edge
cases. What this means though is that if you have an existing
RNA-Seq analysis in a project and you re-quantitate it having moved
to the new SeqMonk version that your probe set will be replaced as
it won't match the exsting set because of these changes. You will
therefore need to either re-create your filtered lists using the
new probe set - or stick to an older version of SeqMonk to finish
off those existing projects.
Other more minor changes are:
Improve the default matching options and save name for annotated
probe reports. -
Added a vistory event for adding annotation
Added replicate set colouring to boxplots and beanplots
Made the default heatmap colours more friendly to colourblind people
Changed the min R version to 3.6 as Bioconductor is broken for
versions older than that. -
Fixed a StarWars layout bug for multiple lists and one store.
Use https to communicate with web services
Try to improve R package installs on OSX
The v1.46.0 release introduces a couple of new features and fixes
some bugs.
The main changes are:
In statistical tests which can use more than 2 replicate sets
we now remember the order of selection of the sets in the options
so that the meaning of the fold change values is deterministic, ie
if you are comparing WT and KO you can choose to have the change as
either WT/KO or KO/WT in the report. -
Fixed a bug where the intersect lists filter could make project files
which couldn't be re-loaded. -
Added suitable track headers to make exported BED files more compatible
with UCSC browser -
Allowed custom distances for "not close to" feature filter
Added an option to define co-factors when constructing a linear model
for DESeq2. -
Fixed the save data option in the quantitation trend heatmap
Fixed PCA domain quantitation probe generation
Added the current quantitation values to the HiC report
Make the annotation set name the same as the feature name for imported
annotation. -
Made the linux launch script SLURM aware so it configures memory limits
correctly. -
Fix the warning of replacing probes in the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline
so it only warns if it's actually going to replace them. -
In DESeq2 pairwise comparisons we now report both the raw log2FoldChange
and the shrunken log2FoldChange.
This release is a bugfix release for the last version which resolves
an issue where small probes might not be drawn in the chromsome view
if their inferred size was less than 1 pixel.
It also introduces a copule of other minor changes:
Fix a probe drawing optimisation bug which caused some small probes
not to be drawn. -
Add the option to highlight replicate sets in the line graph.
Annotate the variance filter results with the actual variance
values which were used for the test. -
Improved the efficiency of drawing raw reads in the chromosome view
for replicate sets and data groups.
This release adds some useful functionality and cleans up a lot of
the new functions which have been added in recent releases. The main
changes are:
Indexed colours now duplicate if you're looking at expanded
replicate sets -
Genome view block display now works
Added an option to apply the same manual correction to all samples
Added an option to make an annotation track instead of a probe set
for all probe generators -
Allow probe sets to be called something other than "All Probes"
Allow annotated probe reports to be annotated with list values from
any combination of probe lists -
Allow any images to be pasted into Vistories
Added a --introns option to the command line importer
Fixed per-probe normalisation when the "Use visible stores" option is
selected -
Added the ability to label multiple points in all scatterplot type
displays -
Added a new normalisation method based on subtracting a linear
trend from your data -
Added a "sum" and "divide" option to to per-probe normalisation
Make seqmonk prompt on exit if a vistory has been modified and
viewed but not saved. -
Allow all graphics exports to go straight to the clipboard
Created a vistory event for hierarchical cluster probe generation
This is a bugfix and stability release which tidies up a number of
areas. The main changes are:
Update vistory filter events to have the number of probes and
the name of the filter attached to them. -
Fix a versioning bug when cross-importing annotation from another
project. Also allow cross importing between different annotation
versions of the same genome assembly. -
Added a duplicate list filter which makes it easier to create
additional structure in a set of filtered probes. -
Allow images to be moved up and down in vistories
Make the difference quantitation introduce NA values for ratio
measures when the total number of observations is very small. -
Fix an updating bug when changing the number of pseudo chromosomes
when building a custom genome. -
When auto-creating Data Groups only add each data set to one group.
Allow the creation of projects using just a control genome.
Add a save option to the probe list overlap matrix.
Improve the description of the percentile value filter.
Generate vistory events for probe lists created in plots
Add the replicate set name to the plot area in variation plots.
Fix the genome view image export to not include scroll bars.
This is a bugfix release which resolves some issues in the previous
release. It also adds some minor additional functionality.
Changes in this release are:
We fixed a bug in the packaging script for OSX which meant that
SeqMonk was not using the bundled JRE and was reliant on the
presence of a Java installation on the host machine. This also
caused a failure to launch on machines running a version of
Java older than 1.8. -
We updated our BAM parser from the old samtools java library to
the newer htslib parser. This should resolve crashes caused when
the mapping command line recorded in the BAM header contained a
colon. Using the newer parser should also be somewhat quicker. -
We fixed some limitations in Vistories. The table of contents
in the HTML report won't now truncate on smaller screens. We
capture some additional events which we were missing before.
Additional fixes will follow in future releases. -
We fixed a crash in the List Annotation Value filter.
We added a new display option to change how replicate sets treat
probes which have quantitations for some (but not all) of their
members. Previously we had returned an NA value for the mean of
the probe if any member contained an NA. You can now choose to
return the mean of however many members contain valid values to
give more complete coverage of your data.