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Rupert Gatti edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 1 revision



A digital repository solution that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the OAIS, METS, EAD and PREMIS.

Format types:

Supports all but has a normalisation policy (see

Third-party content support:

Not specified.


Digital objects storage and management, supports any XML-based format as descriptive metadata, off-the-shelf support for Dublin Core and Encoded Archival Description, configurable multi-step ingestion workflow, supports pluggable preservation actions, integrated risk management, integrated format registry. Good documentation.


Price on application.

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