Releases: AaronCRobinson/SeasonalWeather
SeasonalWeather (1.1.1)
Extends weather to change based on season. Please comment and let me know any feedback about seasonal settings or potential related features.
- Each season has different weather commonalities for each weather type
- All biomes have weather adapted a bit to fit each season. More to come.
- Most biomes are less clear now and I think Jungles in particular will go more in this direction.
- New weather types are added: Dust, Dry Duststorm, Foggy Snow, Cloudy, and Windy
- New weather disasters are added: Wildfire, and Earthquake
- Disasters can be disabled/enabled in mod settings
- Growth rates are increased for plants by 20% during rainfall
- Weather Drone has been added (maybe needs a better name). Weather can affect mood in rare cases (like a psychic drone).
- Added Double Rainbow. Rarely after a weather event which contained rain, a double rainbow appears and improves moods.
- Intvention will shorten the length of this event
- Min length if fire is surpressed is about half a day
- Min length without intervention is 5 days
- Max length a quadrum
The wildfire event may cause performance issues. NoFirewatcher and ImprovedFirePerformance both address fire performance issues.
- English
- Turkish (by Slevilex)
Installation Instructions
- Download
- Unzip
toC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
- Optionally rename to
- Activate mod in RimWorld
SeasonalWeather (1.0.0)
Extends weather to change based on season. Please comment and let me know any feedback about seasonal settings or potential related features.
- Each season has different weather commonalities for each weather type
- All biomes have weather adapted a bit to fit each season. More to come.
- Most biomes are less clear now and I think Jungles in particular will go more in this direction.
- New weather types are added: Dust, Dry Duststorm, Foggy Snow, Cloudy, and Windy
- New weather disasters are added: Wildfire, and Earthquake
- Disasters can be disabled/enabled in mod settings
- Growth rates are increased for plants by 20% during rainfall
- Weather Drone has been added (maybe needs a better name). Weather can affect mood in rare cases (like a psychic drone).
- Added Double Rainbow. Rarely after a weather event which contained rain, a double rainbow appears and improves moods.
- Intvention will shorten the length of this event
- Min length if fire is surpressed is about half a day
- Min length without intervention is 5 days
- Max length a quadrum
The wildfire event may cause performance issues. NoFirewatcher and ImprovedFirePerformance both address fire performance issues.
- English
- Turkish (by Slevilex)
Installation Instructions
- Download
- Unzip
toC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
- Optionally rename to
- Activate mod in RimWorld
B18 Final
Extends weather to change based on season. Please comment and let me know any feedback about seasonal settings or potential related features.
- Each season has different weather commonalities for each weather type
- All biomes have weather adapted a bit to fit each season. More to come.
- Most biomes are less clear now and I think Jungles in particular will go more in this direction.
- New weather types are added: Dust, Dry Duststorm, Foggy Snow, Cloudy, and Windy
- New weather disasters are added: Wildfire, and Earthquake
- Disasters can be disabled/enabled in mod settings
- Growth rates are increased for plants by 20% during rainfall
- Weather Drone has been added (maybe needs a better name). Weather can affect mood in rare cases (like a psychic drone).
- Added Double Rainbow. Rarely after a weather event which contained rain, a double rainbow appears and improves moods.
- Intvention will shorten the length of this event
- Min length if fire is surpressed is about half a day
- Min length without intervention is 5 days
- Max length a quadrum
The wildfire event may cause performance issues. NoFirewatcher and ImprovedFirePerformance both address fire performance issues.
- English
- Turkish (by Slevilex)
Installation Instructions
- Download
- Unzip
toC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
- Optionally rename to
- Activate mod in RimWorld
[A17] SeasonalWeather
Extends weather to change based on season. Please comment and let me know any feedback about seasonal settings or potential related features.
- Each season has different weather commonalities for each weather type
- All biomes have weather adapted a bit to fit each season. More to come.
- Most biomes are less clear now and I think Jungles in particular will go more in this direction.
- New weather types are added: Dust, Dry Duststorm, Foggy Snow, Cloudy, and Windy
- New weather disasters are added: Wildfire, and Earthquake
- Disasters can be disabled/enabled in mod settings
- Growth rates are increased for plants by 20% during rainfall
- Weather Drone has been added (maybe needs a better name). Weather can affect mood in rare cases (like a psychic drone).
- Added Double Rainbow. Rarely after a weather event which contained rain, a double rainbow appears and improves moods.
- Intvention will shorten the length of this event
- Min length if fire is surpressed is about half a day
- Min length without intervention is 5 days
- Max length a quadrum
The wildfire event may cause performance issues. NoFirewatcher and ImprovedFirePerformance both address fire performance issues.
- English
- Turkish (by Slevilex)
Installation Instructions
- Download
- Unzip
toC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
- Optionally rename to
- Activate mod in RimWorld