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Meaning: bird

Hans-Jörg Bibiko edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

Illustrative Context

What bird does this feather come from?

Target Sense

  • The most basic, generic term to refer to birds.
  • The generic lexeme selected must be able to refer to a flighted bird of medium size, for example a common (Eurasian) blackbird — but obviously must not be the specific name of that or any other individual bird species.
  • In languages that have no single generic term, but separate terms by size, select the term for birds of that medium (blackbird) size.
  • Avoid terms specific to particularly small or particularly large species of bird.
  • Avoid terms specific to particular types of bird, such as birds of prey, e.g. raptor.
  • Avoid terms specific to domesticated or hunted birds, e.g. fowl.
  • Avoid technical, biological terminology, e.g. avian.
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