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Meaning: drink

Hans-Jörg Bibiko edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

Illustrative Context

He drank because he was thirsty.


The verb (to) drink, not the noun (a) drink. The generic term, without any specific reference to alcohol.

Target Sense

  • The most generic verb for drinking, prototypically of people drinking water. The lexeme selected must be able to be used in that context, although will normally have much wider applicability too to animals drinking, and to all liquids that can be drunk.
  • Avoid terms specific to particular ways of drinking, e.g. sip, sup, suck, lap.
  • Avoid intensifying terms for drinking fast or in large amounts, e.g. guzzle, down.
  • Avoid terms specific to social or cultural contexts, e.g. ritual drinking.
  • Avoid terms specific to drinking alcoholic drinks, or with the intention or result being getting drunk.
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