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Meaning: egg

Hans-Jörg Bibiko edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

Illustrative Context

Don't drop the egg; it’ll break!

Target Sense

  • The most generic noun for the egg of a bird.
  • Must be able to refer to the prototypical sense of an egg with a hard outer shell, generally light in colour, and of medium size, such as the egg laid by a duck or a hen.
  • In many languages the lexeme selected may be more widely applicable, including to reptiles, but do not select terms specific to the eggs of reptiles.
  • Similarly, the term selected may be applicable also to soft ‘eggs’ without a hard outer shell, but do not select terms specific to this sense.
  • Follow common usage, not strict biological terminology. Certainly avoid technical terms such as ovum, and terms limited to specific types of biological egg, e.g. frogspawn.
  • Avoid terms limited to eggs seen as food.
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