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Meaning: fall

Hans-Jörg Bibiko edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

Illustrative Context

I fell from the tree yesterday and hurt my back.

Target Sense

  • The most generic intransitive verb for falling from a height, through the air, to the ground.
  • In many languages this may be the same verb as used for just falling over from standing, walking or running. Avoid, however, any verb that is limited to these senses. The verb selected must be applicable to falling from a height, as in the illustrative context.
  • In many languages the basic verb may be applicable to objects falling as well as to people (as in the illustrative context). Avoid, however, verbs applicable only to objects falling. The verb selected must be applicable to people falling.
  • Avoid terms with more specific senses of falling off a surface, tripping up, tipping over, etc..
  • Avoid terms that include reference or implications of the cause of falling.
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