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Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision

Using a Philips Pronto Remote (with ProntoScipt support) to Control Misterhouse

There are some very good remote controls availible from Philips which have WiFi and a Script Language built in. I use that as main Interface to controll my Misterhouse devices.

I tested the code with the Philips Pronto TSU 9400 but there are some more devices supporting (TSU 9600, TSU 9800, ..)

The logic how it works:

- Philips Pronto Remote running a Prontoscript to Send Commands to Misterhouse as XML formated (to from user contirbuted code) - get the command and executes the requested actions and send if requested information formated as xml back - The remotes get the data sent back and shows it on the display or changes Icon Status on the remote

To get it work (Server Side):

  • Copy from user contributed code directory to your misterhouse code directory
  • Add the mhxml server definitions to your mh.private.ini file:
    • server_xml_port=8899
    • server_xml_datatype=raw
  • restart your Misterhouse
  • Now you could test if the XML Server works by sending a xml to the socket with cat /tmp/xmldata.xml |netcat 8899
The format of the supported XML Command files is a follows: code

code The format of the data sent back from the MHXML server is: code



On the Client Side (Philips Pronto Remote) there are some steps required as well:

  • Open you Pronto Configuration in Pronto Edit Professional 2
  • Download the Sample Pronto Configuration file from: HERE
  • Copy a "Activity" from to your Own Remote Control Configuration e.g. ("Heimsteuerung")
  • Go to the "Page" with the name "PARAMETERS" and add your Misterhouse IP and Port
  • You could add actions to your Buttons by adding an "Script Action" e.g. "mythRemoteButton("set", "Rollo_WZ_RolloFenster", "up");"
  • To have it working, you shold have configured the WiFi module on your Pronto to have access to your network.
  • Download the configuration to your Pronto and cross fingers :-)
The ProntoScript is not yet perfect, I still working on the interface to get information back from Misterhouse, but the main functiallity if working like a charm. I have it in use since about 4 month without any issues.

Have Fun Ernst

I tried to run the mrxml server and got this response. Is this for Linux as i am running PC so maybe that is problem 01/07/10 06:52:35 AM: Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains: ./../code/common C:\mrhouse\mh\bin/../lib C:\mrhouse\mh\bin/../lib/site . CODE(0x28cbdb4) C:\Users\ttowle1\AppData\Local\Temp\par-ttowle1\cache-d7b1785321170457b93c76ff4b559b20ecf8047a\inc\lib C:\Users\ttowle1\AppData\Local\Temp\par-ttowle1\cache-d7b1785321170457b93c76ff4b559b20ecf8047a\inc CODE(0x267072c) CODE(0x2670918) C:\mrhouse\mh\bin/../lib/site_win58) at (eval 1172090) line 2743. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 1172090) line 2743. Line 2738: # $Stehlampe</item> Line 2739: # ON</value> Line 2740: # </response> Line 2741: # </misterhousexml> Line 2742: Line 2743: use XML::Simple; Line 2744: use Data::Dumper; Line 2745: use strict; Line 2746: use utf8; Line 2747: use DBI; Line 2748: any ideas would be helpful. I am trying to access this file with Flex program
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