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Tasker, AutoVoice and MisterHouse

Tobi edited this page May 13, 2016 · 1 revision

This is the essential part of a mail from Brian Rudy to make Tasker and AutoVoice control your MisterHouse setup:

The instructions below assume some level of understanding of Tasker and AutoVoice. If in doubt, check the Tasker documentation.

  1. First create a new Profile. I named mine "MisterHouse AutoVoice"

  2. Define an Event for the profile, then select Plugin->AutoVoice Recognized

  3. Edit the Configuration for the event, assigning the following values 2. Command Filter = mr house 2. Precision = 1

  4. Save, and create a new Task for this event. I named mine "MH AutoVoice recognized"

  5. In this Task, add the following Actions 2. Variables->Variable Set 3. Name = %MH_COMMAND 3. To = %avcommnofilter 2. Variables->Variable Search 3. Variable = %MH_COMMAND 3. Search = " " Just type a space here, no quotes 3. Check Replace Matches 3. Replaces With = "_" The underscore character 2. Net->HTTP Get 3. Server:Port = yourmhboxhostnameorip:8080 (Assuming your MH web interface is listening on 8080) 3. Path=bin/RUN;last_response?%MH_COMMAND 2. Variables->Variable Set 3. Name = %MH_RESPONSE 3. To = %HTTPD 2. Variables->Variable Convert 3. Name = %MH_RESPONSE 3. Function=HTML to Text 2. Misc->Say 3. Text = %MH_RESPONSE 3. Check Respect Audio Focus 3. If %HTTPR !~ -1

  6. Save everything

    Invoke AutoVoice and say "Misterhouse" followed by a voice command such as "MisterHouse what time is it" If it works, Tasker will have your Android device's speech synthesis engine read you back the response to your last command.

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