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Impetus edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 4 revisions

This functionality allows user to view or download logs of a cluster.

![] ( Figure 97: Logs Configuration

User needs to provide inputs like log type, IP. Select the name of file to be viewed.

Type dropdown is populated with unique names of all the services / roles running over a cluster. User needs to select the service name / role which populates IP dropdown with nodes running the selected service. Next, select the node IP from IP dropdown which loads file name dropdown with all the applicable log file names available on the node. Select the log file. User can either view or download the selected log file.

Click on the “View” button to view the log which appears in the Logs section as shown below. The complete log text is not pre-fetched in one go for display. In order to enhance the performance of the application and to utilize the resources like bandwidth smartly, the logs are loaded on demand as user scrolls down.

![] ( Figure 98: View Logs on same page

Else, download the log file of the cluster by clicking “Download” which downloads the compressed log file in .zip format.

![] (

Figure 99: Download Logs

Hint: This screenshot is taken from Windows 8 machine.

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