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Impetus edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 8 revisions

This section capture information related to Ankush server hosting using following two inputs as elicited below:

  1. Public IP Server : Public IP or a FQDN using which the Ankush server is uniquely identifiable from external network/world
  2. Public IP Server Port: Port using which the application is reachable from external world. This is normally managed & handled by your network administrator using port forwarding at networking level.

![] ( Figure 19: Server Hosting

Points to remember

• Note that regardless of location (whether in premise or external world) application must be accessible using the URL constructed from the values mentioned in Public IP Server & Public IP Server Port. • If server hosting information changed later after already deploying clusters then status of services for clusters that are deployed before changing server hosting information is shown as down.

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