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03 01 2013 Minutes

apantsiop edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 1 revision


Nick gave us a quick update on the NFP. Tomorrow ( editor: 03/01/2013) the contract with Colab will be ready. We are kinda late with the inauguration of the company ( editor: by the time these minutes were written the contract wasn't ready, hopefully it will be by Monday 07/01/2013). The lawyer will need a couple of days to perform the required bureaucratic processes with the business registry and the tax office. One day, hopeful next week, Nick will take a leave from his work and go with the lawyer to start the process.

NFP Roles

By the time we are ready to open a bank account we should have decided on which members will fulfil which roles (President, VP, Treasurer). The bank will ask such info.

We should create a new issue for nominations and vote until Sunday about the roles. Vassilis will open the issue.


Vassilis is informing us about ticketing. Amiando and Eventbrite keep the income until the event and pay out when the event is completed. They do that in case the event is cancelled in order to pay refunds.

We are thinking about excluding Amiando and Eventbrite for this reason. We can move forward either with Eventora or TicketBud.

Vassilis will send tomorrow emails to Amiando, Eventbrite, Ticketbud. By next Wednesday, hopefully, we will have all required info and vote on the ticketing company.

The emails will contain:

  1. Validate our assumptions on money calculations
  2. Ask for a discount / special price
  3. Ask whether we can get the money up-front or only after the conference

Vassilis will share the demo accounts so we can see the flow on all sites.

Sponsorship package

Talking about the sponsorship packages. Apostolis is absent and we will discuss the topic next week. Apostolis should close the issue and sum up the situation. We should create the PDF and the web material. Apostolis should upload the document to review the texts (or if already done, remind everyone once again).

Apostolis should get in touch with George and move forward with the sponsorship packages leaflet. Provide the designers a design brief document (previous speakers, overall feeling, layout).

Media plan

Nikos Dimitrakopoulos want to help with the media master plan. He will get in contact with John and help organise / provide feedback to the media plan.

We need to ask the EuRuko 2011 (Amsterdam) guys the list of members from the previous event so we can send a newsletter. We should get the list until the end of January. Fotos will take care of this JIT.


Fotos will ask the accountant:

  1. Clarify the issue with the taxes
  2. Clarify whether the offer was for a 6 month plan / does it include a discount


Nikos Diamantopoulos will communicate with Vassilis with regards to the CFP and see how we can speed up things a bit. Damphyr might be overwhelmed and we have to find ways to help him move forward with the CFP.

TechCrunch event

We discussed briefly about the TechCrunch event. Fotos proposed we sit down and write some points that we could use / pitch at the event. This is a great opportunity to show off some of the ideals of the Ruby community while reflecting the values of our mission statement. We wrote about 10 sentences / points that could be used in the event. Vassilis will go over the list, upload it somewhere and ask for comments.

Internet / WiFi

We should also budget the Internet line as well as the WiFi coverage costs. Panos (who was absent) should send us the document that we have to send to Vodafone / HOL for review.


  • @fotos should email the accountant, update the action plan, catchup the ladies :P, upload the minutes, write the agenda, cleanup issues
  • @nolamesa should contact @damphyr about the CFP, help @fotos with the action plan and the issues
  • @vvatikiotis should email the ticketing companies, get ready for TC, open a ticket for nominations, share the demo (ticketing) accounts on KeePass
  • @pagojo should be prepared to present a media plan
  • @nikosd should get the document for Colab, contact the lawyer and help @pagojo with the media plan
  • @pxinos should sent us the document we have to send over to Vodafone / HOL
  • @apantiosp should wrap up the sponsorship packages and prepare a design brief
  • @chief should start designing / implementing the website along with Skroutz's designers

The next meeting will be on 09/01/2013 20:30 sharp.

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