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Application Management via CLI

Johannes Heucher edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

CLI commands corresponding to the Application-based management operations:

 ''# Build new Application from a Workspace''
 ./ '''buildapplicationversion''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> [-comment <arg>]
     [-excludeSubtypesOf <args>] [-parentWorkspace <arg>] [-s] [-v] 
 ''# Remove Application''
 ./ '''removeapplication''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> [-c] [-f] [-ff] [-g]
     [-parentWorkspace <arg>] [-v]
 ''# Show an Application's content''
 ./ '''listapplicationdetails''' -applicationName <arg>  -versionName <arg> [-excludeEntryTypes <args>]
     [-excludeSubtypesOf <args>] [-fileName <arg>] [-r] [-v]
 ''# List an Application's Requirements''
 ./ '''listruntimecontextdependencies''' [-t] -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg>
 ''# Define Runtime Context Requirement''
 ./ '''addruntimecontextdependency''' [-f] -ownerApplicationName <arg> -ownerVersionName <arg>
     [-requirementApplicationName <arg>] [-requirementVersionName <arg>] [-requirementWorkspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Remove Required Runtime Context''
 ./ '''removeruntimecontextdependency''' -ownerApplicationName <arg> -ownerVersionName <arg>
     [-requirementApplicationName <arg>] [-requirementVersionName <arg>] [-requirementWorkspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Order Entry: Enable/Disable Filter instance''
 ./ '''disablefilterinstance''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> -filterinstancename <arg> [-v]
 ./ '''enablefilterinstance''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> -filterinstancename <arg> [-v]
 ''# Order Entry: Enable/Disable Trigger instance''
 ./ '''disabletriggerinstance''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> -triggerinstancename <arg>
     [-d] [-v]
 ./ '''enabletriggerinstance''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> -triggerinstancename <arg>
     [-d] [-orderentrancelimit <arg>] [-v]
 ''# Export Application''
 ./ '''exportapplication''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> [-cs] -filename <arg>
     [-l] [-lb] [-newVersion <arg>] [-v]
 ''# Import Application''
 ./ '''importapplication''' -filename <arg> [-f] [-g] [-ic] [-ip] [-oc] [-op] [-r] [-s] [-storableNameGeneration <arg>] [-v] [-xc] [-xp]
 ''# Copy Cron-like Orders between two Applications''
 ./ '''copycronlikeorders''' -applicationName <arg> -sourceVersion <arg> -targetVersion <arg> [-g]
     [-id <arg>] [-m] [-ordertype <args>] [-v]
 ''# Copy Order Types between two Runime Applications''
 ./ '''copyordertypes''' -applicationName <arg> -sourceVersion <arg> -targetVersion <arg>
 ''# Start Application''
 ./ '''startapplication''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> [-c] [-enableOrderEntrance <args>]
     [-f] [-g]
 ''# Stop Application''
 ./ '''stopapplication''' -applicationName <arg> -versionName <arg> [-disableOrderEntrance <args>] [-g]
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