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Xyna Property

PatrickVonMassow-GIP edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Xyna Properties are the central configuration parameters of a Xyna Factory instance. They rule important settings like IP addresses used by Xyna Factory interfaces, global timeouts, etc. It is also possible to define custom Xyna Properties.

A Xyna Property can have different types of values:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Real number
  • Boolean: true, false
  • Duration: A duration consists of an amount of time of a certain time unit separated with a space, e.g. 1 s for 1 second. A combination of more than one time unit is not allowed. Possible time units are:
    • ns: Nanosecond
    • µs: Microsecond
    • ms: Millisecond
    • s: Second
    • min: Minute
    • h: Hour
    • d: Day
  • Domain name: IP address or domain name
  • Path name: Expression like path/subpath or starting with an absolut path like /opt/xyna/...
  • File name: File name expression like filename.extension or with additional path name, e.g. path/subpath/filename.extension
  • Regular expression
  • Fully qualified Service name: Combination of a Service name and a Runtime Context's name and version separated with @ and /
    Example: xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.ListApplications@GlobalApplicationMgmt/1.0
The values of properties can be retrieved or changed by different means: The following list contains all Xyna Properties, possible values and implicit default values, which are used by the Xyna Factory itself:
Xyna Properties
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
com.gip.xyna.xprc.XynaExecutor.Planning.<wbr/>CronLikeScheduler Integer ≥1 75 Maximum number of threads in planning thread pool for source 'CronLikeScheduler'
com.gip.xyna.xprc.XynaExecutor.Planning.<wbr/>XynaFactoryCommandLineInterface Integer ≥1 75 Maximum number of threads in planning thread pool for source 'XynaFactoryCommandLineInterface'
shutdown.timeout.activeoperations Duration 10 s Maximum waiting time for running orders during shutdown of the Xyna Factory
shutdown.timeout.cleanup Duration 5 s Maximum waiting time for orders with Order State Cleanup after the Scheduler was stopped
shutdown.timeout.planning Duration 5 s Maximum waiting time for orders with Order State Planning after the Scheduler was stopped
xact.trigger.stop.timeout Duration 25000 ms Maximum time to wait for each triggerinstance that is to be stopped
xdev.xlibdev.buildmdmjar.includewfs true, false false If Workflow classes should be included in mdm.jar, set this property to true. If this isn't necessary, select false. It may contain them anyway.
xdev.xlibdev.codeaccess.globalfilter String class(GenerationBase)<wbr/>.map(isFactoryComponent)<wbr/>.filter(WhiteList("false"))<wbr/>.allMatch() Global Code Access filter. See ./ '''explainclassmapfilters''' for a syntax definition
xdev.xlibdev.codeaccess.mdmjar.compress true, false false If Code Access is used, this flag decides if the checked-in mdm.jar will be compressed or not. To deactivate compression may be helpful for less memory consumption in a repository type that stores each change (e.g. SVN).
xdev.xtestfactory.infrastructure.testcase.orderinputsource.prefix String Order Input Source for Test Case&nbsp; Default prefix for Order Input Source names of Test Cases inside the Test Factory Example: Order Input Source for Test Case  leads to names in the form Order Input Source for Test Case TESTCASENAME
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.appdetails.cache.size Integer ≥1 200 Size of LRU Cache for Application Details. Needs restart of Xyna Factory for changes to be activated
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>applications String - Comma-separated list of Application names to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>applications.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of Application names to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>filterinstances String - Comma-separated list of Filter instance names to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>filterinstances.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of Filter instance names to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>filters String - Comma-separated list of filter names to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>filters.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of filter names to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>sharedlibs String - Comma-separated list of shared libs to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>sharedlibs.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of shared libs to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>triggerinstances String - Comma-separated list of trigger instance names to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>triggerinstances.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of trigger instance names to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>triggers String - Comma-separated list of fully qualified XMOM names (path and name) to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>triggers.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of trigger names to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>xmomobjects String - Comma-separated list of fully qualified XMOM names (path and name) to be excluded when clearing the default workspace
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.clearworkingset.blacklist.<wbr/>xmomobjects.<wbr/><WORKSPACE> String - Comma-separated list of fully qualified XMOM names (path and name) to be excluded when clearing workspace <WORKSPACE>
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.DeployApplications.Destination Fully qualified Service name xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.<wbr/>DeployApplications<wbr/>@GlobalApplicationMgmt<wbr/>/1.0 Defines the Service, which is used to deploy an Application on another Xyna Factory instance
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.excludedsubtypesof String xnwh.persistence.Storable Comma-separated list of base types whose subtypes are taken into a new application version (parent Workspace default workspace) only when they are directly needed
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.excludedsubtypesof.<WORKSPACE> String xnwh.persistence.Storable Comma-separated list of base types whose subtypes are taken into a new application version (parent Workspace ) only when they are directly needed
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.ListApplications.Destination Fully qualified Service name xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.<wbr/>ListApplications<wbr/>@GlobalApplicationMgmt<wbr/>/1.0 Defines the Service, which is used to retrieve a list of all existing Applications
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.RemoveApplications.Destination Fully qualified Service name xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.<wbr/>RemoveApplications<wbr/>@GlobalApplicationMgmt<wbr/>/1.0 Defines the Service, which is used to remove an Application
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.StartApplications.Destination Fully qualified Service name xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.<wbr/>StartApplications<wbr/>@GlobalApplicationMgmt<wbr/>/1.0 Defines the Service, which is used to start an Application
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.StopApplications.Destination Fully qualified Service name xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.<wbr/>StopApplications<wbr/>@GlobalApplicationMgmt<wbr/>/1.0 Defines the Service, which is used to stop an Application
xfmg.xfctrl.datamodel.xsd.store_in_typemapping true, false false Imported types can be optionally stored in typemapping table for compatibility with XynaTypeGeneration Service
xfmg.xfctrl.nodemgmt.node_name String - Name of own Xyna Factory node. Used by the Remote Destination feature at the remote Xyna Factory node to correlate waiting responses. Please note: Do not change while Remote Calls are still active.
xfmg.xfctrl.rcdependencies.change.orders.<wbr/>active.<wbr/>behavior ABORT, IGNORE, MIGRATE ABORT Handling of active Xyna Orders when Runtime Context Requirements are changed. Possible values are:
  • ABORT: Abort change
  • IGNORE: Continue change
  • MIGRATE: Try migration of active orders; orders may get corrupted and have to be killed
xmcp.xfcli.thread.nonpooled.number Integer ≥0 0 Sets the number of CLI commands to be executed with a non pooled thread
xnwh.persistence.concurrency.retries Integer ≥0 3 The amount of retries on concurrent access
xnwh.persistence.concurrency.timeout Duration 30 s Duration before aborting the persistence operation after repeated collisions
xnwh.persistence.xml.cache.default String - Persistence layer instance name. Default value for the persistence layer to be used as cache for Xml persistence layers. It not set, an anonymous persistence layer will be used.
xnwh.persistence.xml.journal.maxlength Integer ≥0 10485760 Maximum length of journal files in bytes
xnwh.persistence.xmom.<wbr/>defaultalternativepersistencelayerid Integer ≥-1 -1 Alternative persistence layer id used as default for additional xmom storables. -1 means that no specific persistence layer is used.
xnwh.persistence.xmom.<wbr/>defaulthistorypersistencelayerid Integer ≥-1 -1 History persistence layer id used as default for additional xmom storables. -1 means that no specific persistence layer is used.
xnwh.persistence.xmom.defaultpersistencelayerid Integer ≥-1 -1 Persistence layer id used as default for additional xmom storables. -1 means that no specific persistence layer is used.
xprc.veto.algorithm SeparateThread, Storable, Cache, CachedStorable SeparateThread Veto management algorithm. The follwing algorithms are supported:
  • SeparateThread: Separation of costly Veto treatment from Scheduler thread
  • Storable: Usage of Veto storable only; legacy implementation
  • Cache: Usage of Veto cache only; not persistent
  • CachedStorable: Usage of Veto cache and storable
xprc.xfractwfe.deployment.specialdependencies.<wbr/>deploymentstate.use true, false true
xprc.xfractwfe.deployment.specialdependencies.<wbr/>storables.use true, false true
xprc.xfractwfe.deployment.specialdependencies.<wbr/>subtypes.use true, false true
xprc.xfractwfe.deployment_timeout Duration 15 s
xprc.xfractwfe.workflow.childorder.context.<wbr/>inheritfromparent true, false false If set to true, a childorder will inherit its Runtime Context from its parent order instead of its Order Type Integer ≥1 100 Maximum number of order Execution threads executing Cleanup and Finish phases concurrently without the limitation of Capacities. Orders exceeding this number will free their Capacities and Vetoes only after they have been archived and have notified their response listener.
xprc.xprcods.orderarchive.archiving.memoryprotection.threshold Integer ≥1 52428800 During order archiving a partial batch commit of a subset of child orders will be triggered if the sum of their Audit Xml sizes exceeds this threshold
xprc.xprcods.orderarchive.archiving.parallelism.max Integer ≥1 20 Maximum number of Root Orders doing archiving in parallel. Change needs restart of Xyna Factory.
xprc.xprcods.orderarchive.count.use true, false false Configures if Order Archive searches use count queries to retrieve the exact counts of filtered orders
xprc.xprcods.orderarchive.count.uselastupdatecondition true, false true If a count query to Order Archive has no filter, an additional filter on lastudpate column will be used
xprc.xprcods.orderarchive.repository.closefiletoflush true, false false
xyna.concurrencycalls.listcapacityinfo Integer ≥1 1 Maximum number of concurrent queries for Capacities
xyna.concurrencycalls.listorderseriesinfo Integer ≥1 1 Maximum number of concurrent queries for Order Series
xyna.concurrencycalls.listschedulerinfo Integer ≥1 1 Maximum number of concurrent queries for Scheduler information
xyna.concurrencycalls.searchorderarchive Integer ≥1 10 Maximum number of concurrent queries for Order Archive
xyna.create.diag.cont true, false false Enables pushing the Order ID into Log4j context to show Order IDs in certain log entries
xyna.default.monitoringlevel 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20 5 This sets the default Monitoring Level that is used if nothing else is configured. The following levels exist:
  • 0: No data is stored, the order is not visible
  • 5: The order is visible if it fails and the Order Archive contains the stacktraces of the error(s).
  • 10: The order is always visible but does not differentiate between different Order States.
  • 15: The order is always visible and all Order State changes are stored.
  • 17: The order is visible at runtime with all Audit data, but the data is fully deleted when the order finishes successfully. The full Audit data is kept if it fails.
  • 18: The same as 17 but only the Audit data is deleted if it finishes successfully, so that the entry is still visible in all cases, e.g. in the Order Overview section of the Xyna Process Monitor.
  • 20: Full Audit data is stored in all cases.
xyna.default.priority 1 to 10 and -1 -1 Sets the default Priority that is used if nothing else is configured. The lowest Priority is 1, the highest Priority is 10. Every other value is mapped to 7.
xyna.disable.xsd.validation true, false true Enables/disables the XSD validation of the XMOM Objects
xyna.exceptions.codegroup.extension.automatic true, false true Allows automatic creation of new CodeGroups when no proper CodeGroups exist
xyna.exceptions.codegroup.extension.defaultpadding Integer ≥0 5 Number of digits of the ExceptionCode during the automatic creation of new CodeGroups
xyna.exceptions.codegroup.extension.defaultpattern String DEVEL-[[]] Naming pattern at the automatic creation of new CodeGroups true, false true Enables complete reloading of the tables codegroup and codepattern on every usage true, false false Enables the opening of the order context for all Order Types. By opening the order context all objects of the same thread are able to retrieve the order context, e.g. by requesting it from Xyna Processing using the method XynaProcessing.getOrderContext(). Please note: The opening of a single Order Type's order context can be done via CLI ./ '''configureordercontextmapping'''
xyna.idgen.prefetcher.timeout Duration 30 s Maximum time the application waits for the Id Generation Prefetcher Thread to produce the next Id Block.
xyna.logging.ordertimings.count Integer ≥0 0
xyna.messagebus.request.timeout.millis Duration 10 s Configures the maximum time a message bus request will be hold open before a response. If a message bus event happens the response will return immediately.
xyna.ordersuspension.workflowstep.timeout Duration 5 s Maximum waiting time for long-running Service calls. After half of the waiting time threads will be interrupted. After another half of the waiting time threads will be killed.
xyna.persistence.xml.cache.writeInterval Duration 30000 ms Time interval in which the cache of xml persistencelayers is written to the xml file. true, false true Defines the persistance mode:
  • true: persist every change
  • false: only persist on Xyna Factory shutdown
xyna.rmi.hostname.registry String localhost Hostname of the RMI registry
xyna.rmi.interlink.port.communication Integer between 0 and 65535 0 Communication port of the RMI interlink between instances of Xyna Factories
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.keystore.file File name -
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.keystore.passphrase String -
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.keystore.type String JKS Type of a Java Keystore. Possible values are the by Java supported Keystore type names.
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.truststore.file File name -
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.truststore.passphrase String -
xyna.rmi.interlink.ssl.truststore.type String JKS Type of a Java Truststore. Possible values are the by Java supported Truststore type names.
xyna.rmi.interlink.timeout Duration 15 s
xyna.rmi.port.communication Integer between 0 and 65535 0 RMI communication port
xyna.rmi.port.registry Integer between 0 and 65535 1099 Port of the RMI registry
xyna.rmi.ssl.keystore.file File name -
xyna.rmi.ssl.keystore.passphrase String -
xyna.rmi.ssl.truststore.passphrase String -
xyna.rmi.timeout Duration 15 Maximum waiting time of a client for answers via RMI. Technically this is a TCP Socket timeout typically happening on connections not closed properly. Please note: If the time unit is not specified it is presumed to seconds. Example: 15 means 15 s.
xyna.scheduler.orderbackup.duringcronlikescheduling true, false true
xyna.scheduler.orderbackupwaitingforscheduling true, false false Enables earlier Order backup. If set to true orders will be saved before the scheduling phase. Otherwise orders in the scheduling phase might get lost in case of a Xyna Factory failure.
xyna.scheduler.stop.timeout.offset Duration 0 ms This property causes orders to run into a timeout at server shutdown, if the time till the regular Scheduler timeout is less then the given offset value Java<n> with n≥5 Java5 true, false true
xyna.threadpool.cleanup.keepalive.seconds Duration 30 s
xyna.threadpool.cleanup.max Integer ≥1 500 Maximum number of threads available for the Cleanup
xyna.threadpool.cleanup.min Integer ≥0 10 Minimum number of threads available for the Cleanup
xyna.threadpool.cleanup.queuesize Integer ≥0 0 Maximum queue size for queuing orders marked erroneous by the Scheduler, e.g. after running into a timeout
xyna.threadpool.deployment.keepalive.seconds Integer ≥0 60 Keep alive time in seconds Please note: Due to technical reasons this value is an integer and no duration.
xyna.threadpool.deployment.max Integer ≥1 200
xyna.threadpool.execution.keepalive.seconds Duration 60 s
xyna.threadpool.execution.max Integer ≥1 2000 Maximum number of threads available for the Execution
xyna.threadpool.execution.min Integer ≥0 0 Minimum number of threads available for the Execution
xyna.threadpool.planning.keepalive.seconds Duration 30 s
xyna.threadpool.planning.max Integer ≥1 100 Maximum number of threads available for the Planning
xyna.threadpool.planning.min Integer ≥0 10 Minimum number of threads available for the Planning
xyna.threadpool.planning.pool_size_strategy eager, default or lazy_<n> with n≥1 eager Configures the behaviour if the thread pool is nearly used to capacity. Possible values are:
  • eager: Every new task optains a thread at once
  • lazy_<n>: A new thread will be startes for every n tasks waintg in the queue. Example: lazy_2
  • default: New tasks will be added to the queue
xyna.threadpool.planning.queuesize Integer ≥0 1000 Maximum queue size for queuing orders without insufficient number of threads available during Planning
xyna.threadpool.planning.useringbuffer true, false false Enables an overfill protection at Planning entry by removing the oldest order when adding a new one into a already full buffer (ring buffer)
xyna.threadpool.threadlocalcleanup.skip true, false false Integer ≥1 100 Maximum pool size of Workflows
xyna.xdev.topology.persistence.alternative.file.location File name -
File for persisting of the -}

Xyna Modeller

The following Xyna Properties are used by the Xyna Modeller:

<caption>Xyna Process Modeller</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xyna.processmodeller.query.debug true, false false If set to true the hidden Mappings for Queries are displayed in the Workflow
<caption>Xyna Process Monitor</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xyna.processmonitor.defaultfiltering.application String - Pre-assignment of the filter by Applications in the Xyna Process Monitor
xyna.processmonitor.defaultfiltering.version String - Pre-assignment of the filter by Versions in the Xyna Process Monitor
xyna.processmonitor.defaultfiltering.workspace String - Pre-assignment of the filter by Workspaces in the Xyna Process Monitor
xyna.processmonitor.lazyloading.iterationlimit Integer ≥ -1 100 Number of iterations (e.g. with nested Foreach) that are transmitted to the GUI at once. &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;45&amp;&#35;59&#59;1 for unlimited iterations
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn0.enabled true, false false Controls whether the 1st Custom Column is shown in Order Overview, using the label defined by xyna.processmonitor.customColumn0.label
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn0.label String Custom 1 The label to show for 1st Custom Column in Order Overview in case xyna.processmonitor.customColumn0.enabled is set to true
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn1.enabled true, false false Controls whether the 2st Custom Column is shown in Order Overview, using the label defined by xyna.processmonitor.customColumn1.label
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn1.label String Custom 2 The label to show for 2st Custom Column in Order Overview in case xyna.processmonitor.customColumn1.enabled is set to true
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn2.enabled true, false false Controls whether the 3st Custom Column is shown in Order Overview, using the label defined by xyna.processmonitor.customColumn2.label
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn2.label String Custom 3 The label to show for 3st Custom Column in Order Overview in case xyna.processmonitor.customColumn2.enabled is set to true
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn3.enabled true, false false Controls whether the 4st Custom Column is shown in Order Overview, using the label defined by xyna.processmonitor.customColumn3.label
xyna.processmonitor.customColumn3.label String Custom 4 The label to show for 4st Custom Column in Order Overview in case xyna.processmonitor.customColumn3.enabled is set to true
xyna.processmonitor.orderoverview.limit Integer ≥ 0 100 The maximum number of table entries to be returned for the Order Overview
<caption>Xyna Factory Manager</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xfmg.xfctrl.appmgmt.showGlobalApplicationManagement true, false false If set to true the Application GlobalApplicationMgmt is displayed
<caption>Zeta Framework</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
zeta.table.limit Integer ≥ 0 100 The maximum number of table entries to be returned
zeta.compatibility.startorder.withmeta true, false false If set to true the StartOrderResponse is provided with $meta- information

Module-Specific Xyna Properties

<caption>Xyna Properties (Connection)</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xact.connection.RuleBasedDeviceType.rules.reload true, false false Change property to reload rules from file
xfmg.xfmon.protocolmsg.enablestorage true, false false Enable in memory storage of protocol messages
xfmg.xfmon.protocolmsg.messagetimeout Duration 180 s The amount of time messages are kept alive
<caption>Xyna Properties (Http)</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xact.http.default_connect_timeout Duration 10 s Default connect timeout. This timeout will be used if the Connect Service doesn't provide a timeout.
xact.http.default_send_timeout Duration 10 s Default send timeout. This timeout will be used if the Send Service doesn't provide a timeout.
xact.http.default_user_agent String XynaFactory HTTP&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;45&amp;&#35;59&#59;Service Default user agent
<caption>Xyna Properties (Json)</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xfmg.xfctrl.datamodel.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;wbr/&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;json.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;wbr/&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;createjson.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;wbr/&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;includenulls true, false false Determines whether JSON strings created from XMOM Data Types include null values for all Member Variables that are not set. Example: &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;123&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;name&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; &amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;XYZ&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;, &amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;address&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; null&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;125&amp;&#35;59&#59; vs. &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;123&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;name&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; &amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;XYZ&amp;amp&#59;quot&amp;&#35;59&#59;&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;125&amp;&#35;59&#59;
<caption>Xyna Properties (SNMP)</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xact.snmp.exceptionmapping.file File name - Xml file with exception mappings
xact.snmp.service.engineid.application.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;APPLICATION&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59; String, 2 bytes in hexadecimal representation with &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; as delimiter - For Application APPLICATION this value will be integrated into the engine Id if xact.snmp.service.engineid.version is set to set_per_application
xact.snmp.service.engineid.constant String, max. 27 bytes in hexadecimal representation with &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; as delimiter - Constant that is used for the last (max. 27) bytes of the engine Id if xact.snmp.service.engineid.version is set to set_globally
xact.snmp.service.engineid.currentvalue.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;APPLICATION&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;VERSION&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;.readonly String, readonly - The currently used engineId for Application APPLICATION with version VERSION. Please do not edit this property.
xact.snmp.service.engineid.ip String - Name of a registered IP address that is used to generate the engine Id
xact.snmp.service.engineid.version generate_per_revision, set_per_application, set_globally set_globally Version of engine Id generation of the last (max 27) bytes (the first five bytes are constant). Possible values are:
  • generate_per_revision: Generates an unique engine Id for each revision
  • set_per_application: The engine Id is created per application or workspace by including the Xyna Property xact.snmp.service.engineid.application.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;APPLICATION&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59; or xact.snmp.service.engineid.workspace.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;WORKSPACE&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59;
  • set_globally: The last bytes of the engine Id will be set to the value of the Xyna Property xact.snmp.service.engineid.constant
xact.snmp.service.engineid.workspace.&amp;amp&#59;lt&amp;&#35;59&#59;WORKSPACE&amp;amp&#59;gt&amp;&#35;59&#59; String, 2 bytes in hexadecimal representation with &amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59; as delimiter - For Workspace WORKSPACE this value will be integrated into the engine Id if xact.snmp.service.engineid.version is set to set_per_application
<caption>Xyna Properties (Network Availability Daemon)</caption>
Property Possible Values Default Value Description
xyna.xcs.networkavailability ERROR, OK ERROR Global status variable of the Xyna Clustering Service:
  • OK: The other cluster node is available
  • ERROR: The other cluster node is not available

See Also

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