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Xyna Order

daniel edited this page Jul 3, 2024 · 1 revision

Xyna Orders are executed by the Processing Department of the Xyna Factory. The execution phases are described by the Master Workflow.

Xyna Orders

The first Order in a call hierarchy of Orders is called Root Order. Inside this hierarchy Orders have parent and child relations, wherefore they are called Parent Orders and Child Orders, respectively. Together they make up the Order Family.

Table of Contents

Start Orders

A Xyna Order can be started by using one of a Xyna Factory's Order Entries:

Cancel Running Orders

Xyna Orders can be canceled manually by selecting the Order inside the Order Overview and using the Kill Order button.

Please note: The user must have the Right KILL_STUCK_PROCESS to use this functionality.

Start and Manage Xyna Orders via CLI

Common Xyna Order-specific CLI commands:

Start a Xyna Order

./ startorder -orderType <arg> [-applicationName <arg>] [-versionName <arg>]
     [-workspaceName <arg>] [-a] [-inputPayloadFile <arg>] [-p] [-priority <arg>] [-s]
     [-timeconstraint <arg>] [-timeout <arg>] 

List all active Orders of a given Workspace or Application

./ listactiveorders [-applicationName <arg>] [-versionName <arg>]
     [-workspaceName <arg>] [-g] [-vf] [-vo] [-vt]

List the last updated Orders

./ listorders [-count <arg>] [-offset <arg>]

Show detailed information on the Order with a given Order ID

./ showorderdetails -id <arg> [-v]

Change the scheduling parameters of an Order already in the Scheduler

./ changeschedulingparameter -orderId <arg> [-timeconstraint <arg>]

Cancel Order still in the Scheduler with a given Order ID

./ cancelorder -orderId <arg> [-timeout <arg>]

Kill running Order with a given Order ID

./ killprocess -orderId <arg> [-timeout <arg>]

The following commands can be used in the rare case of hanging Xyna Orders:

Search for Orders or parts of Orders that are potentially broken

./ discoverabandonedorders [-d]

List all detected abandoned Orders

./ listabandonedorders [-v]

Try to resolve the issue of an abandoned order and start it to finish its execution

./ resolveabandonedorder [-entryID <arg>] [-a]

Remove all evidence for the abandoned Order

./ forcecleanabandonedorder [-entryID <arg>] [-a] [-f] [-r]

See Also

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