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Johannes Heucher edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

Queues are objects that store messages in an application. Xyna Factory can connect to message-oriented middleware in order to send messages to queues or fetch messages from queues. The most prominent examples for this kind of software are IBM's Websphere MQ and Apache's Active MQ.

Registering Queues in Xyna

With this command you can register a queue in Xyna Factory: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> ./ registerqueue -queueType <Queue Type> -connectParameters <Connect Parameters> -externalName <Queue Name> -uniqueName <Xyna Queue Name> </syntaxhighlight> Queue Types and corresponding Connect Parameters:

Queue Type Connect Parameter
It is common practice to divide Queues into incoming and outgoing Queues. Outgoing Queues are the ones that Xyna sends messages to. By registering an outgoing Queue with the order from above, Xyna is ready to send messages to it. Incoming Queues need a little bit more configuration. Additionally to registering the queue, a corresponding trigger (and filter) needs to be instanciated to react on an incomming message. For instance, if you register a Websphere MQ Queue you need to instanciate the WebsphereMQTrigger with correct Start Parameters.

Additional CLI-Commands

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"></syntaxhighlight> Get a list of all registered Queues ./ listqueues

Deregister a Queue ./ deregisterqueue -uniqueueName <arg> &lt;/syntaxhighlight&gt;</arg>

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