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Order Type Management via CLI

Johannes Heucher edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

CLI commands corresponding to the Order Type management operations:

 ''# List the Capacities that are currently required by the given Order Type''
 ./ '''listcapacitiesforordertype''' -orderType <arg> [-applicationName <arg>]
     [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Require the specified Capacity for the given Order Type''
 ./ '''requirecapacityforordertype''' -capacityName <arg> -cardinality <arg> -orderType <arg>
     [-applicationName <arg>] [-u] [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Stop requiring the specified Capacity for the given Order Type''
 ./ '''removecapacityforordertype''' -capacityName <arg> -orderType <arg>
     [-applicationName <arg>] [-u] [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
  ''# List all Order Types and the correspondending Capacity status''
 ./ '''listordertypescapacitystatus'''
 ''# Configure an Order Type to be enabled to use the internal order context''
 ./ '''configureordercontextmapping''' [-applicationName <arg>] -enable <arg> -orderType <arg>
     [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# List all Order Types for which a mapping to the corresponding order context object is created''
 ./ '''listordercontextmappings'''
 ''# Set a Priority for an Order Type''
 ./ '''setpriority''' [-applicationName <arg>] -orderType <arg> -priority <arg>
     [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Remove the Priority setting for an Order Type''
 ./ '''removepriority''' [-applicationName <arg>] -orderType <arg> [-versionName <arg>]
     [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Get the currently configured [[Monitoring Level]] for a given Order Type''
 ./ '''getmonitoringlevel''' [-applicationName <arg>] [-orderType <arg>] [-versionName <arg>]
     [-workspaceName <arg>]
  ''# Set the Monitoring Level for one Order Type, thereby overwriting the default value''
 ./ '''setmonlvl''' [-applicationName <arg>] -code <arg> -orderType <arg> [-versionName <arg>]
     [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Adds a parameter inheritance rule to an Order Type''
 ./ '''addinheritancerule''' [-applicationName <arg>] [-childFilter <arg>] -orderType <arg>
     -parameterType <arg> [-precedence <arg>] -value <arg> [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Lists parameter inheritance rules of an Order Type''
 ./ '''listinheritancerules''' [-applicationName <arg>] -orderType <arg> -parameterType <arg>
     [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
 ''# Removes a parameter inheritance rule from an Order Type''
 ./ '''removeinheritancerule''' [-applicationName <arg>] [-childFilter <arg>] -orderType <arg>
     -parameterType <arg> [-versionName <arg>] [-workspaceName <arg>]
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