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Mongodb Notes
To get help while in the MongoDB shell
To list available commands
To see the databases in mongod
show dbs
To select the query_gateway_development database use
use query_gateway_development
To obtain help regarding methods operating on collections
To see the collections/tables in the selected database use
show collections
To count the number of entries in the records collection of query_gateway_development do
To remove all the entries in records use
To view the (first 20) documents in the records collection
To view the next 20 documents in the records collection
To see all the entries in records in json format use
var c = db.records.find() ; while (c.hasNext()) printjson(c.next())
To see only the medication section of the entries in json format use
var c = db.records.find() ; while (c.hasNext()) printjson(c.next()['medications'])
To gather only the medication codes and descriptions for all patients
var c = db.records.find({},{"medications.codes": 1, "medications.description": 1}) ; c.forEach(printjson)
To remove all old queries from the query-gateway mongo database
To determine the number of records of gender "M" in the database
db.records.find({ gender: "M" }).count()
To find the record for AGNES ASANTA and to pretty-print it
db.records.find({ first: "AGNES", last: "ASANTE" }).pretty()
To print first and last name fields (but not the _id field)
db.records.find({}, { first: 1, last: 1, _id: 0} )
To print first and last name fields sorted alphabetically on first name
db.records.find({}, {first:1, last:1, _id:0}).sort({first:1})
To print first and last name fields for patients with abnormal lab results
db.records.find({ "results.interpretation.code": /a/i}, {first: 1, last: 1, _id: 0})
To find lab result documents for "AGNES ASANTE", displaying last name, time, value, description, referenceRange and interpretation
db.records.find({ last: "ASANTE", first: "AGNES" }, {last: 1, "results.time":1, "results.value": 1, "results.description": 1, "results.referenceRange":1, "results.interpretation.code":1}).pretty()
The MongoDB shell provides create, read, update and delete operations through Javascript rather than SQL.
use crud
db.crud.insert({username: "rrusk"})
db.crud.save({username: "morganprice"})
db.crud.update({username: "rrusk"}, {$set: {office: "ECS 448"}})
db.crud.find({username: "rrusk"})
db.crud.update({username: "rrusk"}, {$unset: {office: 1}})
db.crud.find({username: "rrusk"})
show collections
show dbs
use crud
To find out how a mongodb command is implemented enter the command without parameters
SCOOP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
- SCOOP Overall Design
- SCOOP Actors
- User Stories and Use Case Maps
- System Architecture
- Development Process
- Prototypical Questions
- Current Meds vs Med List
- Data Enrichment Design
- Data Visualization
- Deployment Architecture
- EMR-2-EMR (E2E)
- OSCAR Setup
- Gateway & Hub Setup
- OSCAR Development Notes
- OSCAR DB Table Notes
- Coding Standards
- Mongodb Notes
- Server Configuration
- PDC Gateway Server
- Iteration Overview
- Feature List
- Architecture
- Requirements
- Visualization Requirements
- Test Specification